It's a new day for independent filmmakers. As box office ticket sales are low, cinemas are finding themselves in a more collaborative role with filmmakers via third party self distribution websites like and as well as with curators and even directly with filmmakers themselves. The bronze leafed doors have opened, as audiences demand a more dynamic range of films that may get them to leave their internet entertainment stations and come to the cinema.
As I found myself in with little options to screen Let's Stay Together in Oakland via, I called on my friend Michael Orange, of and asked if there was a possibility to blaze together a screening on short notice (10 days.) He talked to the good folks at the New Parkway Theater and they agreed to give us a shot; Thursday, November 7th at 9:30pm. A brownpapertickets event was created for pre-sales with the incentive that if we sell enough pre-sold tickets, they will add screenings. This is an illustration of folks coming together to let independent cinema have an audience and start the conversations going! So, friends in Oakland, please purchase your ticket in advance so we can show the Parkview that we can rock a strong run there! Your unity is much appreciloved!